Back for a second edition the 2024 Cable Bay Gritt Camp was one for the books. After last year's camp we thought we’d head back to Nelson to catch up and check in on the rapid progression of the Tasman riders. Straight off the bat, everyone's overall speed had visually increased, setting the stakes high for the remainder of the camp.
The camp saw a nearly full roster of 27 young riders, with a strong mix of boys and girls. Although mainly Nelson locals there were a few that put the mileage in the car, some even crossing the Cook Strait. We also had some new coaches join us, top Enduro World Cup athletes Eddie Masters, Winni Goldsbury and Xanthe Robb, who made a great addition to the team, with Charlie Murray and Sam Blenkinsop returning after last year’s mudder.
Cable Bay served as our base for the week, a well known riding destination within New Zealand. Everyone started to file in and we were soon underway with an introduction and morning stretches. It was emphasised how important it is to stretch, especially before a race. There was a buzz in the atmosphere with the kids itching to get on the trails and start riding. After loading up the shuttles we headed up through the dense bush for the first lap of the weekend.
The group was divided into groups based on age. However, it was soon realised that age is just a number and the younger kids definitely weren’t holding back, “It's ridiculous how fast they are riding”. Everyone knew their way around, making it easy for the coaches.
Most had returned from last year's camp so they knew what they wanted to work on. Whether it was cornering technique or the right line choice through rough sections. Everything was taken into account and picked apart one by one.
The heat didn’t faze anyone as it nearly hit the 30s. Everyone was more than happy to keep lapping out. We took the opportunity after lunch to venture over to the South side of the hill to a trail named “The Poacher”. The start of the trail offers spectacular views over the park and further afield to the Tasman Sea. Not only does it start with great views but it also greets you with the most challenging part of the trail. This was picked apart and line choice was debated, a similar theme for the rest of the camp.
While some rode sections with ease, some were a bit skeptical. There was no pressure for anyone to ride it, but with some encouragement from others and the right advice from the coaches, it was soon light work for everyone.

To round out day one we finished off with a workshop and question session, where the questions came in thick and fast. We took a deep dive into how to approach races, how to keep progressing your riding, how to stand out on social media and dealing with sponsors.
Day two brought us perfect weather yet again. With the kids roaring to go, we wasted no time getting up the hill. A shuttle was the perfect way to start the day before both groups embarked on a very hot climb up to the top of “Gambler”. Although hard work at times we were rewarded on the descent back down with some of Cable Bay's finest riding. Particular parts of the trail were worked on. Not just the difficult parts but the easier stuff as well. Our coaches explained how the easier parts of the trail are sometimes the parts that can catch you out, or in a race scenario, lose you time. After knocking out some more pedal laps we headed back for a much needed and awaited lunch break. Thankfully, the Cable Bay crew got us refueled for the afternoon ahead.
The afternoon was spent honing in on technique and line choice. The kids takeaway was that coming in more controlled with a more thought out line choice can sometimes be quicker than just ploughing through. A cornering drill on some very loose dirt wrapped up the riding aspect of the weekend. Some carnage went down before we dropped into the final trail of the weekend. We weren’t done yet though! The river was calling our name and we decided it would be rude not to have a quick dip. It offered a great chance to cool off after a big day on the hill. To round out the weekend we finished up with a prize giving. Best attitude, most progressed rider were some themes for our larger prizes. We didn't want anyone to go without, so we sent everyone home with a little something.
The atmosphere was electric throughout the weekend and had a great feel to it. The enthusiasm and positive attitudes from all the kids was great to see. They definitely kept the coaches on their toes. One remark was “I’ve learnt heaps throughout the weekend and it’s been great hanging out with the coaches, definitely keen for another one”.
Seeing these young riders progress and push themselves reminded the coaches of their own grassroots days, and they thoroughly enjoyed sharing their knowledge and experience with the next generation. On top of that we couldn’t have asked for a better location and trail network, thanks to Cable Bay Adventure Park.

We would like to take the time to say thank you to everyone that came out and extend our gratitude to our supporters that made this happen:
Cable Bay Adventure Park
Specialized New Zealand
Best Build Construction Wellington
Charlie Murray
Ed Masters
Sam Blenkinsop
Winni Goldsbury
Xanthe Robb
Film and Photo:
Mikhail Huggins
Rory Stock